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State of the World’s Plants and Fungi | Alexandre Antonelli at IBC2024
🇧🇷 Recentemente, Alexandre Antonelli, fundador e presidente da Fundação Antonelli Brasil e líder do Projeto ARAÇÁ, apresentou uma...
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Diversidade de Insetos da Figueira | Fig Tree Insect Diversity
🇧🇷 Essas cenas no vídeo mostram parte de um projeto iniciado no início de 2024, liderado pelo pesquisador Dalton de Souza Amorim...
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Opilions | Opiliões
🇧🇷 Os opiliões são frequentemente confundidos com aranhas ou escorpiões, mas pertencem a ordens distintas, apresentando diferenças...
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Alexandre Antonelli at BBC's The Life Scientific Podcast - Don't miss it!
[ENG] In this interview, Alexandre Antonelli, Director of Science at Kew Gardens, President of the Antonelli Foundations and co-leader of...
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Ferns and Lycophytes Species Survey
[ENG] In this short video, Alexandre Salino, professor and researcher at the Botany Department of the Federal University of Minas Gerais...
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A cougar (Puma concolor) inhabits our project area!
Look at what the Lifeplan project cameras have captured in our forests this time! Yes! We are proud to announce that our project area is...
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How many species can be found on a single fig tree? (II)
[ENG] How many species can be found on a century-old fig tree in the Atlantic Rainforest? Soon we will be able to answer this question!...
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How many species can be found on a single fig tree? (I)
[ENG] This question will be answered with our project to survey the species of a centenary fig tree within our project area (yes, the one...
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Moths Species Survey at ARAÇÁ Project with LABBOR/Unicamp
Nesse vídeo, Simeão Moraes, pesquisador associada ao LABBOR/Unicamp, fala sobre o levantamento de mariposas que está sendo feito na RPPN...
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Researchers from Stockholm University and Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Visiting ARAÇÁ Project This past week, we had the honour of hosting researchers from the Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm...
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27 de Maio - Dia Nacional da Mata Atlântica
No dia Nacional da Mata Atlântica, relembramos da importância de se preservar esse rico mas impactado bioma brasileiro. Uma floresta que...
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Butterfly Species Survey at ARAÇÁ Project with LABBOR/Unicamp
Nesse vídeo, Junia Carreira, pesquisadora associada ao LABBOR/Unicamp, fala sobre o levantamento de borboletas que está sendo feito na...
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Leopardus guttulus (Southern tiger cat/Gato-do-mato-do-sul)
Recent capture by Lifeplan Project camera. Look at what the Lifeplan project cameras have recently captured here in our forests! The...
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Looking for new species in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest | Video from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
What happens when you send some of the world's top environmental scientists to a nature reserve in the Atlantic rainforest in Brazil? In...
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Our News Page is Under Construction ... Stay Tuned!
The ARAÇÁ Project has commenced and is currently participating in numerous local and international initiatives. Over the recent weeks, we...
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