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Researcher Maurice Leponce visiting the Fig Tree Project


Over the last few weeks, we've had many researchers carrying out their experiments and visiting our project, including researcher Maurice Leponce, responsible for the Life on Trees project (, who came to visit our Fig Tree Project.

Maurice visited the project area and even climbed up into the fig tree canopy to get a closer look at the diversity of species found there. Maurice also had the opportunity to talk to the researcher in charge, Olivia Fritzpatrick, from Kew Botanic Gardens, and to see how material is collected during the project.



Nessas últimas semanas, tivemos muitos pesquisadores e pesquisadoras fazendo seus experimentos e visitando nosso projeto, entre esses, o pesquisador Maurice Leponce, responsável pelo projeto Life on Trees (, que veio visitar nosso Projeto da Figueira.

Maurice conheceu a área do projeto e até subiu na copa da figueira para ver de perto a diversidade de espécies encontradas por lá. Também, Maurice teve a oportunidade de conversar com a pesquisadora responsável, Olivia Fritzpatrick, do Jardim Botânico de Kew, e ver na prática a coleta de material durante o projeto.

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